- eye-level
- ˈeye-lev·elnat \eye-level in Augenhöheto place sth at \eye-level etw in Augenhöhe anbringen
English-german dictionary. 2013.
English-german dictionary. 2013.
eye level — noun The same height above ground as the average person s eyes (also (with hyphen) adjective) • • • Main Entry: ↑eye * * * noun [singular] : a level that is as high as a person s eyes He hung the picture at eye level. The hook is just above eye… … Useful english dictionary
eye level — eye .level n [U] a height equal to the level of your eyes at/above/below eye level ▪ Your screen should be at eye level. ▪ an eye level grill … Dictionary of contemporary English
eye level — eye ,level noun uncount the same height as your eyes when you are standing: The mirror should be at eye level … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
eye level — noun (singular) a height equal to the level of your eyes: Pictures should be hung at eye level … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
eye level — UK / US noun [uncountable] the same height as your eyes when you are standing The mirror should be at eye level … English dictionary
Eye-level arch — Strine method of ordering a meal in a restaurant: Eye level arch play devoisters Anna piner martyr sauce an tea ; Eye level arch ching chair min an some Swissair pork … Dictionary of Australian slang
eye-level arch — Australian Slang Strine method of ordering a meal in a restaurant: Eye level arch play devoisters Anna piner martyr sauce an tea ; Eye level arch ching chair min an some Swissair pork … English dialects glossary
Eye-level camera angle — A eye level camera angle is a camera angle with the camera at the level of human eyes. It is one of the most common camera angles. Sources * [http://pblmm.k12.ca.us/TechHelp/VideoHelp/aGoodStuffToKnow/Camera angles.html] *… … Wikipedia
Eye Level angle — FilmM Usually used to convey neutrality. The camcorder is placed at the eye level of the actors whether they are standing or sitting. This camera angle can help the audience feel as if they are part of a character’s group conversation, bringing… … Audio and video glossary
eye level — noun the level of the eyes looking straight ahead … English new terms dictionary
Bull's eye level — A Bull s eye level is a type of spirit level that allows for the leveling of planes in two dimensions both the pitch and roll in nautical terms. Standard tubular levels only consider one dimension. Bull s eye levels are used primarily by… … Wikipedia